
Archaeology | 7:e upplagan

av Paul Bahn och Lord Colin Renfrew

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Förlag Littlehampton
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2016-01-18
Upplaga 7
Antal sidor 672
ISBN 9780500292105
Kategori(er) Historia & arkeologi
 ↳ Arkeologi
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Since its first edition, Renfrew and Bahn's Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice has been the leading educational source on what archaeologists do and how they do it. The text is organized around the key questions that archaeologists ask about the past and details the practical and theoretical ways in which answers to those questions are sought. The seventh edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, with sixteen additional pages and new material on the latest developments in the subject and coverage of many recent discoveries. The book is newly designed with additional box features and extensive drawings, charts and photographs, all in full colour. This is a truly global introduction to archaeology, and includes examples from every part of the world. New boxes include coverage of the discovery of Richard III's burial; excavations at the Neolithic Ness of Brodgar in the Orkney Islands; snow patch archaeology on mountain tops and in the far north; Roman glassware traded to ancient Japan; the Museum of London's excavation of a Roman and later medieval site in the heart of the city; fresh analysis of Grauballe Man, a Danish Iron Age bog body; and work on the origins of farming at Jerf el Ahmar, Syria. (Bookdata)

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